API Reference

Ever seen millions of game data all collected and organized in one spot? Well, you're in luck!

The RAWG API, like modern web APIs, adheres to the REST architecture. This makes it easy to parse in the browser. The ease of parsing is attributed to the fact that the REST architecture typically sends its responses in JSON.

JSON is more compatible with the modern-day HTML, CSS, and JavaScript architecture. This feature makes the API cooler in terms of parsing response conversion and compatibility.

RAWG Homepage

RAWG Homepage

This documentation introduces the core endpoints and their respective parameters for fetching millions of game data. It further explains each parameter, its data type, and provides examples.

Additionally, the documentation includes request examples and responses with corresponding error codes. These examples are available in multiple languages, allowing you to try them out and experience your desired outcome.

Before you dive in, it's recommended to go through the Authentication page. This will help you understand how authentication works with the RAWG API. Additionally, check out the Errors page to familiarize yourself with potential errors you may encounter while exploring the API. Don't be shy—dive in!